Saturday, October 23, 2010



Kenapa Index Google, Blog tidak terindex, backlink hilang

Posted: 22 Oct 2010 05:35 PM PDT

Kenapa dengan Index Google, Blog tidak Cepat ter-index, backlink hilang.

Kenapa Index Google, Blog tidak terindex, backlink hilang

Beberapa hari ini kuperoleh informasi tentang banyak blog yang tidak ter-index dengan cepat di search engine google. Banyak para blogger yang mengatakan bahwa Google robot berhenti indexing new post pada 20 Oktober kemarin. Hal ini bahkan dialami oleh blogspot yang notabene mempunyai server google juga.

Google appears to have stopped indexing new post as of 20 Oct

Google robot appear to have stopped indexing new posts on my blogspot BLOG as of 20 Oct. Until then it was almost immediate
Webmaster tool has a NDS timeout notice . But server is blogger ie Google . Is the problem there?
Last Cache : 19 Oct

Only one 1 out of last 4 posts indexed in Google search. Google used to index my blog posts within 5 to 30 minutes after publishing the post.

E.g this blog post which i posted on 20th October hasn’t yet indexed by Google.

My blog’s sitemap is present in Google Webmaster tools so i think there is some serious bug in Google Algo right now.

Each post of these 2 blogs get indexed in google within few seconds before 18 october. After 18 october, non of the post on both
of these 2 blogs is indexed and it has been passed 3 days.

Please resolve the issue because we can never expect from Google to have such a big problem that is still existing from last
3 days. A huge period to loose traffic , revenue and SERP ranking…

Stopping index google juga dialami oleh web non blogspot

I have been having the same problem, not with blogger blogs, but with several WordPress blogs that use different domain names.

Google and google blog search stopped indexing all of the blogs around October 19, 2010 at the same time mentioned by other users in this thread and some other related discussions. At first I thought the cessation of indexing was blog specific, but am now finding that this is a general problem that started almost the same time for many blogs.

Permasalahan tentang index google ini dapat dilihat secara lengkap di sini

Dan pihak google pada masalah ini

JohnMu (Google Employee)
Thanks for all your reports, everyone!

The team is busy reviewing them and looking at ways to resolve the issues brought up here. Thank you for your patience as we work out the details.


Dan… semoga permasalahan ini cepat teratasi dengan baik oleh googlegoogle robot kembali bekerja dengan cepat dan akurat kembali…. index google kembali jalan….. backlink blog juga kembali lagi……..

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