Saturday, January 3, 2009

Upgrade Wordpress 2.7

Wordpress 2.7

The latest stable release of WordPress (Version 2.7) is available in two formats from the links to your right. If you have no idea what to do with this download, we recommend signing up with one of our web hosting partners that offers a one click install of WordPress or getting a free account on

What's Next?

With our famous 5-minute installation, setting up WordPress for the first time is simple. We've created a handy guide to see you through the installation process. If you’re upgrading your existing installation, we’ve got a guide for that, too. And should you run into any trouble along the way, our support forums are a great resource, where seasoned WordPress experts volunteer their time to help you get the most out of your blog.



Wordpress Automatic Upgrade allows a user to automatically upgrade the wordpress installation to the latest one provided by using the 5 steps provided in the wordpress upgrade instructions.

Wordpress automatic upgrade upgrades your wordpress installation by doing the following steps.

  1. Backs up the files and makes available a link to download it.
  2. Backs up the database and makes available a link to download it.
  3. Downloads the latest files from and unzips it.
  4. Puts the site in maintenance mode.
  5. De-activates all active plugins and remembers it.
  6. Upgrades wordpress files.
  7. Gives you a link that will open in a new window to upgrade installation.
  8. Re-activates the plugins.

The plugin can also can be run in a automated mode where in you do not have to click on any links to go to the next step.



Cara untuk upgrade wordpress yang aman yaitu seperti yang kulakukan pada upgrade wordpress versi 2.6.2 yang lalu, yaitu menggunakan Wordpress Automatic upgrade


Upgrade Wordpress Version 2.6.2 dengan Wordpress Automatic Upgrade

Setelah sukses, upgrade akan diperintahkan mendownload File Backup dan Database Backup yang telah kita buat sebelumnya. Hal tersebut untuk untuk antipasi bila terjadi kegagalan upgrade wordpress. Setelah tidak ada terjadi masalah, hapus ( clean up ) file file tersebut (lihat gambar di bawah ini).

Pada saat upgrade ada step dimana semua plug-in di matikan ( disabled ). Dan setelah proses upgrade berhasil, plugin tersebut akan di hidupkan kembali ( activated ). Dan adakalanya pada saat meng-enable-kan kembali tersebut tidak dapat terjadi secara otomatis. Jadi kita dapat men-setting plugin tersebut secara manual kembali (lihat gambar di bawah.. YM-Online Status mengalami kegagalan activated, dan lakukan activated manual)

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